Sunday, August 17, 2008

They’re baaaackkkkkkkkkkkkk

When you live in a college town and school starts Monday, you know better, but I had to run a couple errands and get some gas (even a hybrid needs gas once in a while). The first week the students are back is terrible. Traffic is horrible, stores are crowded, locals are complaining. :-) I’ve been here since 1967 so I have earned the right to be called a “local”, so yes, even though the students are half of our economy, we complain. It will calm down soon, it always does.
Well, last night was a beautiful night, and the music was tight! Wearing a jacket on an August night is just weird. But there was “fair food”, that is always fun! I even knit a few rows on a sock, till it got dark.
Off to swim with some friends today.
:-) Peace

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