Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Laundry Woo Hoo!

When the biggest part of your day is being able to do laundry you might want to rethink things.
If your washing machine has been broke for five days. You would get excited like me. The motor went out on my washing machine last Thursday, and of course they had to order it and then there was the weekend. The motor came in yesterday and "washing machine guy" came and installed it late yesterday afternoon. Then there were the small foothills of laundry to go through. Indeed I was very happy to be able to do laundry!

I settled in with another Disney movie, while doing laundry. For some reason I've been on a Disney movie kick lately. Sunday I watched Air Bud. Last night I watched Operation Dumbo Drop and then started Ratatouille. But, fell asleep.
Must've been all that laundry.
:-) Peace

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