Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Upcoming Weekend.............

Saturday is my birthday and I guess all the stars are aligned properly, because there are tons of fun things to do day and night. We are going to start out with Robbie's band "4 on the Floor" playing at the DuQuoin State Fair entertainment tent from 12 to 3. Then we have just enough time to drive back to Rick and Robb's house for Robb's brother Jimmy's 40th birthday party from 4 to 7 pm. Next the Jungle Dogs play a reunion at the Pinch Penny Pub. They probably won't start till 10 o'clock, but we would need to be there at eight to get a table because it will be so popular!! And of course we will stay there till the close of the bar, since it is my birthday and all that :-)
And then there is Sunday. Robbie's other band "The Stokers" will be playing all afternoon at the Alto Winery.
So get those dancing shoes on and come join us this weekend!!

Didn't Happen

So last night I'm taking Robbie out for his birthday celebration. I talk him into going to the Mexican restaurant that supposedly does the big sombrero hat etc....(he wanted to go somewhere else, but I talk him into this). We walk in and I quietly tell the guy that seats us it's Robbie's birthday. I'm not sure the guy understands, but Robbie overhears me and tells the guy in spanish also. So at this point it's obvious the guy understands its Robbie's birthday. He even makes a few funny comments. We sit down and a different guy comes and takes our order. We eat, we drink (definitely my theme lately as the scale showed this morning). We finished eating and drinking and the guy brings the check, and I'm thinking any minute now. I finish my beer, still no celebration, no hat, no clapping and singing. I go to pay the tab, and ask the guy "don't you do any birthday celebrations anymore?". Well, after much excitement, spanish speaking and yelling at the first guy takes place, we still had no celebration, my camera has no pictures of Robbie in a sombrero, and I'm very sad (and ticked off) and we have to wait till next year to try again.
:-( Peace

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aunt Carol and Jim

Well they had to go.
It was way to short of a visit with my Aunt Carol and Jim, but we managed to do what we could in a short amount of time.
I took them site seeing to Giant City State Park, and then to one of our glorious local wineries.
They were impressed!!
We ate, we drank.......under a huge umbrella, by the lake, with a nice breeze blowing. Then we had a fun cookout last night, where they got to meet our eclectic, cross mix of friends.
Again with the eating and drinking!!
But they had to drive home today, hope they stay safe on the highway.
:-) Peace
p.s. Happy Birthday today to my Sweetie!!!

My friends know me so well!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Busy Weekend

(but nothing compared to the one coming up)
Late Saturday afternoon was a surprise party for Paul's 50th birthday. It went very well, total surprise to Paul. Good food, friends and family all together at Paul and Michelle's sports bar The Cellar.

Then on to my friends Rick and Robb's house for dinner and craft night. The dinner was fantastic (chicken and tortellini in a Gorgonzola cheese sauce) and I taught Robb how to macramé. Missa and Rick worked on a puzzle for their craft which took till 2:30 am to complete, but they did it!

Sunday started with a great lunch at the Giant City Lodge. They have a family style fried chicken dinner with all the trimmings which is great (but even better when topped off with peach and blueberry cobbler, oh bad BJ!) Robbie's parents took the family out to celebrate the August birthdays. Paul, Robbie and me.

Next off to a pool party for a very relaxing afternoon with friends. (and more food! notice a theme here).
I'm afraid to get on the scale this morning, but, a lovely weekend once again. Hope yours was too!
:-) Peace

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Yea!!! We love tomatoes, and have been waiting for the harvest to start, cos we eat lots of em. We had a TON of rain Friday and they are finally turning red. I had lots of green ones just hanging around waiting for the rain. One of Robbie's workers built me a beautiful raised bed and we filled it with lots of compost. I planted 4 tomato plants, 3 pepper plants, 2 cukes, 2 zukes and 2 yellow squash. I love the raised bed, I plan on putting in another one next year. I have not been able to garden much since my tendonitis, so this is really fun for me again (and good eats too!!)
:-) Peace

Friday, August 22, 2008


Yes, I watched another Disney movie, whats it to ya!!!! and YES I did cry. I actually can't believe I have missed this many good Disney movies. Last night it was Angels in the Outfield. Pretty darn good!!

My little raised bed garden is producing pretty good. I have a pile of summer squash on the counter. Made a good "mess" of Ratatouille last night. In the words of Rachael Ray, YUM-O!

I'm getting very excited about next week's visit from my Aunt Carol and Jim. It's only two nights but we will have fun!

The old social calendar is getting pretty booked up. Between lots of band gigs (see for band schedules) and the THREE workshops in the next month we planned Wednesday night at my knit/craft club meeting the calendar is practically buzzin'. We are planning silk fusion, wheel pottery and learning stroke painting. We are a diversified bunch aren't we :-)

Wow, what else can I ramble about? Oh, yes, finally getting rain. We were getting pretty dry, of course now it will probably flood (Murphy's law and all)

Oh yes, there were 2 more birthdays this week. Monday was Robbie's son (little) Robby's 21st Birthday and Wednesday was Robbie's brother Paul's 50th birthday. Two milestones!

Guess the brain has tired out from all the ramblin, time to get some more coffee...........TGIF
:-) Peace

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Getting Old.........

Well, it had to be done. I had to do what anyone turning 52 next week would have to do. GET GLASSES!! Can you read that (teehee) I will be able to next week when the new progressive BIFOCALS come in. Yes, I'm old. I guess I shouldn't complain too much, I'm the last person in my family to get glasses. My Mom, Dad and brother all had to do the glasses routine long ago. Its not that I couldn't see, its just my arms got too short. And I was tired of my eyes being tired. DOH! Anyway, those suckers are not cheap, but I guess necessary. And good lord can they have enough frames to choose from. It took me forever. But its a done deal now and I'm actually "looking" forward to it.
:-) Peace

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Laundry Woo Hoo!

When the biggest part of your day is being able to do laundry you might want to rethink things.
If your washing machine has been broke for five days. You would get excited like me. The motor went out on my washing machine last Thursday, and of course they had to order it and then there was the weekend. The motor came in yesterday and "washing machine guy" came and installed it late yesterday afternoon. Then there were the small foothills of laundry to go through. Indeed I was very happy to be able to do laundry!

I settled in with another Disney movie, while doing laundry. For some reason I've been on a Disney movie kick lately. Sunday I watched Air Bud. Last night I watched Operation Dumbo Drop and then started Ratatouille. But, fell asleep.
Must've been all that laundry.
:-) Peace

Sunday, August 17, 2008

They’re baaaackkkkkkkkkkkkk

When you live in a college town and school starts Monday, you know better, but I had to run a couple errands and get some gas (even a hybrid needs gas once in a while). The first week the students are back is terrible. Traffic is horrible, stores are crowded, locals are complaining. :-) I’ve been here since 1967 so I have earned the right to be called a “local”, so yes, even though the students are half of our economy, we complain. It will calm down soon, it always does.
Well, last night was a beautiful night, and the music was tight! Wearing a jacket on an August night is just weird. But there was “fair food”, that is always fun! I even knit a few rows on a sock, till it got dark.
Off to swim with some friends today.
:-) Peace

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Nice Night, Nice Music!

Well, tonight one of Robbie's bands (4 on the Floor) is playing an outside gig in Christopher, IL from 7pm to 11pm. It is at the town park and will be sort of like a carnival. Should be tons of fun! To keep track of Robbie's bands you can view their schedules at
The weather is threatening to be fantastic!!! Hope to see you there.......
:-) Peace

Joining the ranks...............

of billions of bloggers :-)
This will be a small journal of what's up with Robbie and I in Southern Illinois. We live outside of Carbondale with two small dogs. Robbie is self employed and owns his own company (Robco Audio) doing Sound Reinforcement and I work at home for a local computer software company. Robbie is also a musician and in 2 local bands. My hobbies are mainly craft related with some gardening thrown in. Well, that is us in a nut shell.
:-) Peace