Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Love me some Warren!

And of course Brooke was fantastic, and I adore Cody.
Misty May deserves a special shout out-she did very good! And my Bro and SIL (both of them beach volleyball players in Santa Monica) will kill me if I don't. But she seriously did good. For the life of me, I don't understand why the judges bashed Cloris. I actually enjoyed watching her dance tonight, and she didn't act like such a fool. The first night she was funny, the second night she wore on my nerves. Oh well, we don't always agree with the Judges.

:-) Peace

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday was............

Need I say more

:-) Peace

p.s. oops, if the band picture is too dark on some computers. click for grande :-)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Nights are getting chilly!

So armed last night with a big pot of soup and a stack of movies, I settled in to relax before a busy weekend.

Speaking of the weekend The Stokers will be playing here Saturday at 11 a.m.. Then we have our usual Saturday night get-together with the usual Saturday night suspects. Sunday is our last pool/patio party for the year. The pool will probably be just a little too cool, though, we can pretend and just sit on the patio in the sunshine.

Oh yes, where was I, movies. I watched an odd little movie with Jennifer Aniston called "The Good Girl". Not what I would call a happy movie. I followed that up with the new George Clooney called "The LeatherHeads". That was a little more lighthearted. It is an old-time comedy romance with Renée Zellweger. Not the greatest movie in the world, but I would definitely recommend it. Oh, and the soup was good.

:-) Peace

p.s. I am not very happy that Cloris is still on dancing with the stars :-(

Four Walls

Walls are essential!!
:-) Peace

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Other stuff

You would think the only thing going on around here this week is a new shed. But oh no, there has been much more important things DANCING WITH THE STARS!!! This puts a crimp in my movie watching and I've got some new ones I am itching to watch, but I love me some dancing, so they will wait till Thursday night. My favs so far are Brooke Burke (she is very good) and the football guy Warren Sapp, he just lights up the dance floor and makes me smile!!! Julianne is my favorite "pro" so I tend to also like her partners. Cody is a cutey!

Speaking of movies I forgot to report 2 weeks ago (in a movie watching frenzy) my favorite that week, duh! Anyway, it was "Dan in Real Life". Very good movie. It was a library disk so it had a couple of bad spots at the end but I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything too important. Then last week I watched "Made of Honor" (very cute) and "No Reservations" (that one was real good) in addition to a TV series I'm in the middle of "Invasion".

:-) Peace

Shed Update

End of Tuesday progress:

Buffy still likes the shed!!

:-) Peace

Monday, September 22, 2008

We have Progress!!

Finally, after a rainy weekend (no worky on shed).
Today we have a floor-woohoo!
Buffy likes it already.
:-) Peace

Friday, September 19, 2008


Not only is that my everyday rule of life (hehehe) it is also a BIG event in C'dale this weekend! Carbondale Main Street Pig Out is tons of fun, FIVE bands, BBQ, fair food, beer and wine. Who could ask for more? Starts tonight.

:-) Peace

p.s. yes I WILL be having a fried twinkie

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Going, Going..........Gone!

Materials for NEW shed arriving Friday

:-) Peace

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Color me EXCITED!!

Today we start on the shed project! This was our "compromise" to me not looking at different houses. Robbie wants to "stay put". So I get a new shed. (That and the fact my old one has termites). We have to tear down the old shed 1st. I think this will be the worst part of this whole project.

We have terrific weather this week. Cool and dry. You could actually say cold, it is 46 degrees right now!! But the main thing is dry, since the old shed inhabitants have to sit in the yard (covered with tarps) till their new home is built.

Hopefully I will be giving "new shed" tours this weekend.

:-) Peace

Monday, September 15, 2008

IKE continued

From this mornings paper:

"AmerenCIPS executive Leigh Morris said in a release Sunday afternoon that 49,000-plus customers experienced outages. By 7:30 p.m., there were 23,655 outages in the state, mostly in Southern Illinois. He expected most would have power restored by midnight tonight, with the exception of Marion and the surrounding area, where power might not be fully restored until Wednesday."

poor poor Sunny, without coffee AGAIN this morning :-(

"Hurricane remnants blamed for three deaths in Midwest"
Sunday, September 14, 2008 10:55 PM CDT

All I'm saying is that Ike was a beast.

:-) Peace

Sunday, September 14, 2008


(click on pic for grande)

Ike's remnants hit St. Louis head on, and he only sideswiped us. Gusts up to 60 mph, power outages, downed lines and trees everywhere you look. Debris all over the streets. We know we were very lucky, but still its just amazing to see the mess and I am no stranger to hurricanes (real ones in fact). Hope all are recovering across his path.

:-) Peace

Friday, September 12, 2008

This has been Movie Week

Started out Monday night with "Nim's Island". Very cute movie.

Tuesday night was a Helen Hunt movie called, "And Then She Found Me". Good movie. However you do have to try to ignore the fact that Helen Hunt's face is sliding off. This had been reported in another blog, but I guess I had just thought it was in an around the town, no makeup kind of way. But even in movie makeup it still looks that way.

Wednesday night, of course, was my club meeting (Wednesday night Craft club) so no movie.

Thursday night was "Baby Mama". I have certainly run the gamut this week in movies. Baby Mama was not as funny as the previews. In fact, the previews have all of the funny parts. I really wanted to watch a "funny, take you away" movie last night, but not quite as good as I expected it to be.

Tonight I will be making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for our silk fusion workshop on Saturday, but I'm sure I can sneak a movie in there also.
:-) Peace

Thursday, September 11, 2008

If you like crafts, I'm sending ya over

to my New Blog http://luvcrafts.blogspot.com/ Twice the Pleasure, Twice the Fun! (but only for you craft lovers)

:-) Peace

Sunday, September 7, 2008

No Moss Growing on Me

again this weekend. Yesterday after the usual playing around on the internet and running errands in town, I crammed more events into the day/night. First there was a reception at the SIU Museum (Faner) for the Weaving Collection currently there. One of the members of my Craft Guild had some pieces in the collection (some of my personal favorites that were there) and we wanted to show our support (eat and drink for free, too!). Since there were only horse douvers :-) at the reception, a real meal was next in line. Yummy shrimp fettuccine at Spinoni's in the Garden Patio. The weather here is still fantastic!! Last but not least a friend's band was playing at Key West Bar and Grille. So music and dancing (and wine!) ended the night.

Off today to Cedarhurst Craft Show at Mt. Vernon. Got my walking shoes on!
:-) Peace

Saturday, September 6, 2008



of a

Different sort

Now these pictures are real, as it was happening. Fantastic! Beautiful! A site to see!

and the band was fun ........

There was food, music, dancing, wine!! And of course more Balloons!!

:-) Peace

Friday, September 5, 2008

Up, Up and Away.............

Can you tell where we will be tonight? At the Balloon Fest!!!! Southern Illinois Airport in Carbondale. Also at the Balloon Fest tonite is 4 on the Floor ( http://www.robcoaudio.com/ ). The weather today is fantastic, overcast and cool. As long as the wind doesn't kick up tonight it will be a perfect night for balloons. The balloon glow is beautiful. If you have never seen it, you must! They will also be having food and wine (one of my favorites). Music starts at 4:30 Cya there
:-) Peace

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hi ho hi ho, it's back to work we go!

We actually did labor on Labor Day.

My craft club had a paint workshop yesterday afternoon after going to the Cambria Fair to eat barbecues. Lots of fun, and I learned a lot (but a painter I am not).

Then I had a one-on-one workshop last night with my friend Robb. We are designing a macramé item for a friend of his (Robb is a new up and coming macramé artist). So a crafty day it was.

Long weekends sure are nice, but I get very confused the week after.
:-) Peace