Friday, November 21, 2008


Isn't anybody else FREAKING out that we have to wait OVER TWO MONTHS to see more "Life on Mars"

:-) Peace

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Time is flying by fast! Sometimes I'm meeting myself coming as I am going :-(
Thanksgiving is almost here and then Black Friday!!!!! and then Christmas. I'm tired just thinking about it. Okay back to the summaries,

Movie Summaries:

Kung Fu Panda -- cute!
Iron Man -- surprisingly good.
This Christmas -- very good. Keep your Kleenex handy.

General summary -- Melissa starts her new job, December 1.
I've been crafting a lot (check here).
DWTS -- yes, my man Cody and Julianne are gone, but I knew it was time. Unfortunately, now it is Warren's time. But it was a good run for both of them.

Weather is cooling off, I have a pot of chili on the stove and getting ready to watch "Life on Mars".
Later Gators

:-) Peace

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wow, I need to catch up!

There has been some inquiries about the shed progress. It has obviously slowed down to a crawl (or actually a stop). It is not legally, totally all the way done, but it is usable. But I can't take a picture of it and say it's legally, totally done, because he needs to touch up the paint. Of course now it's turned cold and I'm wondering if I'm ever going to be able to post that it's done :-(

DWTS, this is going to be a very interesting results show to watch tonight. Julianne will be back, YEA!!! And were are obviously down to all good dancers. IMHO it is either going to be Lance or Maurice, and just as a process of elimination, I like Lance better. Maurice has a little bit of an attitude.

MOVIES, boy am I ever behind here! I think I'll just make a list:

War, Inc. (good and of course has my man Jon Cusack)
Argentina Tango (horrible, don't even ask)
The Visitor (it's a very good movie, with a not very satisfying ending)
A Guy Thing (very cute)
Get Smart (funny, of course)
The remake of Journey to the Center of the Earth (pretty darn good)
re-watched My Big Fat Greek wedding, Pretty Woman and Beauty Shop (of course all good)

Well, I guess that's enough for today from cold, rainy Southern Illinois. Be nice to a veteran today.

:-) Peace

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well the Parental Units left today. We sure had a fantastic visit!!! Yesterday was another beautiful fall day and we went to Rustle Hill Winery.................

then we went for a drive..................

Topped by dinner out and coffee with friends. A very lovely last day of their visit. I miss them already.
:-) Peace

Monday, November 3, 2008

Saluki Dogs were at Blue Sky Winery yesterday

and so were we.....................

It was a Beautiful fall day!!!

for goofing around!!!!

:-) Peace